
Enjoying this warm weather together

It is always nice to get together with friends. Especially when the weather warms up and all the kids can get outside. I love to make homemade pancakes and waffles from freshly ground wheat. I know that may sound weird, but they really taste so much better than the other flour. So, Christy and I got together and made some breakfast for us all! Now between us we have 13 children. Not all of them were here this particular day...that is really ok. But we did have a great time and enjoyed a nice breakfast together. Now you know homeschoolers...we do accomplish our studies...here we all are in the kitchen. Time for some fun! Ashley and Christy hard at work! Hee-hee! Love you guys!
A little syrup - homemade!! MMmmmmm...good!
Everyone in the kitchen around my little farm table that Bridget gave me...it just fits me! Thanks Bridget...wish you were here too! And Tammy, and Christy B, and Tammy A, and my Mom, and Von, and Michelle, Andrea, Marsha....
Jesse and Garrett preparing their plates.
Emily, Micaylah, Katelin, Ashley, Christy, Austin, Jesse & Garrett. Me(taking pic).We all sat down and had a nice breakfast of freshly milled, homemade pancakes, waffles, and sausages. Complete with homemade syrup. There was a few pancakes left so we sent them home to Bob and Micheal. (Christy's husband and son). Hope they liked them!
Camille and Ashley are catching up on conversation.
Here's a new 'do' for ya! Turned out pretty Camille :)
Another day on the dirt mound...Jesse and Austin
Jacob is driving this half track, front end loader...big guy!
Emily is holding Dusti, Micaylah and Katelin are keeping Laci still. What sweet friends
We ended the afternoon with some soccer ball and running.
Christy and I got to sit on the patio watching them run and play and talk a while. It was a very nice day...I am looking forward to doing it again soon. Now she is not my neighbor any longer...she is my friend. God has a way of bringing special people into our lives.


Tammy said...

What a wonderful time it looks like you all had! BTW - this is me trying to not be envious of Kristy!!!

Journey to Lilly! said...

What a fun time with friends! We too are enjoying this beautiful weather.
lv ya,

~Kimberly~ said...
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~Kimberly~ said...

I love you my very, very, VERY Bestestest Friend! Yippee! I will be coming to see you Tammy, in a few days. We are counting down!

Tammy said...

My mouth is watering just looking at the pictures. My spirit is thirsting after the fellowship with other homeschool mom's and I am envious of you heading to Orlando to hang out with T...but I pray and know that y'all will have a great time. Love you, Tammy A.

~Kimberly~ said...

Hi Tammy (A)-wish you were here or near! I know exactly what you mean. It is so refreshing to be with other moms of like mindedness. Our great state of Alabama is chock full of them, and I don't get to be with them as much as I would like.

Tina said...

Oh my goodness! You are the coolest mom. I cannot believe you can make all this homemade goodness. I am starving! lol

~Kimberly~ said...

I completely take that as a complement Tina! Thank you, but I feel the same way about you! I love making homemade anything and the more people the MERRIER!! Come on over. Kimi

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