
Moving F-O-R-W-A-R-D

The time is nearing and we are preparing to make our move.  Here's some of what we're planning to move:
4 horses
2 ponies
14 chickens
1 duck
1 bigger dog
1 tiny dog
2 kittens
2 outside big cats
1 inside house cat
saddles, bridles, halters n ropes, barrels, buckets, lawn tractor, little trailor, swings, tools, lawn furniture, bicycles, push mower, weed eater, work benches, power tools, clothesline, 2 tillers, wagons, wheel barrow, 3 large garbage cans used for storing feed, pressure cleaner, all the poles we put in the ground for the garden and the fencing too-pull that up, stack of wood for building something else...like a little duck house by the new pond, OH, I ALMOST FORGOT...MY CHICKEN COOP!
That's just some of the outdoors things that have to be moved. Not to address the inside things...Geeze, I'm wondering now why I wrote this out...I might be overwhelmed...lol!! I actually was the other day and then I got a grip on myself.  More to come...how many good friends do I have out there???  Anybody want to come and help me??  Aaauuuuuuwwwwwhh!  PEEZ :)


Livin' with the North in the South said...

We will be there.I'm so thankful for you guys and can't wait for you to get in your new home.I love to organize! We are going to have so much fun.

~Kimberly~ said...

I'm so glad you like to O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E!! Yea!!! I'm ready to do that and then get on with enjoying it.
We have got a garden to plan for, don't we!
Love you!

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