Here we are several months down the road and we still have our little chickens. We got them when they were just 4 days old along with 2 ducks. By the way, the ducks think they are part of the chicken brood I guess, because they all stick together.
Here is their coop with a fence around it and then here are the chickens that have decided they like it out of their yard.
If one goes into the coop, they all will follow. If one decides to eat or drink, they all want to do it too. It is so cute. There is a 'PECKING' order you know. I mean among fowl. They all know who's 'BOSS'.

Do you see my little 4lb long-haired Chihuahua? She is just sitting there watching them. Especially Broody, who is getting a bit too close.
Now, the chickens are about 3 1/2 months old and today I opened their fencing door and let them out for a while. They are big enough to walk around the YARD, (our big yard), and enjoy getting all the worms they want. We had the kittens, puppies, dogs, cats, the goat, the pony and the ducks and chickens out in the yard. Thank goodness the chickens like to stay right around where my garden is growing.
Here are most of my little brood-8 chickens & 2 ducks
This is Broody(my chicken), Jemima & Willamina(Camille's ducks)

so cute.....when do you get eggs?
They will begin to lay in about 5-6 weeks. From what I've been told and have read. And for every 3 chickens we should get 2 eggs on a daily basis.
We'll see!
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