While they were at Jr. Camp '09, some of the fantastic things the kids were involved in was choir and learning new songs. Along with those new songs, they learned some really cool hand and body motions!! Of course, we had spectacular music and must say how proud we are that our very own Justin (Jud) Koehoorn was on the guitar! And Heidi Blaylock played the keyboard! Way to go! From what I hear, all the musicians were fabuloso!! We are so blessed.
I wish I knew all their names and I'd put them here...
Here's most of the children's choir...led by Sis Pinton

Bro Joyce told the kids, "No matter how small you are, you can do BIG things for God!"
Then we got ready to play some games!! Everyone was running everywhere and racing to find a person who matched the description to what Bro Joyce was naming...eg: find someone who has the same color toothbrush as you!! READY-SET-GO! Off they went...
Christopher finding the right partner
Tiffany and Micaylah as they get ready for the next game
Samantha and Makenzie in the middle of playing the big group game
We ended with a special time in the altar as the children were praying one last time together and leaving to go home with all they had learned.
Several hundred praying together..I didn't get a wide shot like I thought. I was just trying to snap a few quik-pics then get over to pray with the kids.
Counselor/Leader Bro JL Parker and Bro Grant Wisener praying with the boys in the altar after Friday evenings' service.
It's so amazing to think...these young ladies will be praying together for many years to come.
Angel praying in the altar
Bro Joyce and kids
Bro Joyce took a special moment with Austin Parker, who was just a few months too young to stay at camp this year.
Micaylah with Ariel, Megan, ??, Natalie, ??...sorry I missed their names
Papa JL and Daddy are getting the remnant of the boys' stuff
Here's Garrett leaving...wonder what that look was for???
In the midst of all my little 'fears' and 'apprehensions' about sending them off ...on a FOUR, did you hear .... FOUR day trip to another place...with out me...their Mother...to watch over their every little move and make sure their hair is done, faces are washed, that nobody is picking on them, (you know how we moms tend to be), teeth brushed and that they are just where they are supposed to be...this was no little thing for me... they really, really, REALLY had a great time and want to go again next year.

They look like they had such a great time.We are so proud of all the kids and how awesome they represented our church.Congratulation Bro. Garrett for Camper of the week.
They all did such a great job! We are proud of all them too...and yes, Garrett did do his Lord honor.
Thank you and we love you
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