Well, you know how kids can be. They find the littlest thing and want to keep it. Earlier in the week, they came running into the house saying, "Mommy! Mommy! We have found 2 baby birds!! You've got to come and see them." So out the door I went and look what was sitting there looking up at us. These baby blue jays. 

Surrounding our patio are some gorgeous trees that are taller than our roof. They provide shade and house several nests. These little creatures fell out of their nest and I guess they couldn't have fallen into better hands. Of course, I am completely bias...Hee, hee!! 

We thought we'd just leave them under a tree and let the momma come and help them...she was squawking' up a storm. Flying around us, scared for her babies.

But that didn't work. They thought it would be best if the little creatures were back in their nest. So, the kids put them in a bucket and tied a rope around the bucket's handle. The boys leaned a ladder up to the tree and climbed straight up...with the other end of the rope tied to their belt loop.
Ok, picture this: 1 girl, 2 boys, 2 baby birds, a bucket and a rope, a tree and a ladder & 1 empty nest.
After getting to the top where the nest was (about 35-40 FEET in the air), they untied the end at their belt loop, hung it over a limb and filed it down to Micaylah and I, who were standing on the ground. 

Micaylah, then pulls her end of the rope and up goes the bucket with the little birds in it...slowly and carefully.
Austin was about half the way up to help guide it and then it made its way all the way up to Garrett.
They are little team players and they worked together to get the birds back into their nest.
Here the little birds are. Back into their cozy nest, with their momma flying around above them.
They look pretty happy!! 

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