Sometimes you just need to get away from the everyday routine you're used to!

That's just what we did.

After spending some time doing some things we wanted to do we decided to go and do some more things we wanted to visit the coast!!

There's nothing quite like digging your toes into the soft white sand and feeling the cool water rush over your feet. I like to just sit and watch the waves while listening to the flow of the ocean.
I love watching the children run up and down the long stretch of sand and seeing their faces light up when the find a new "treasure". We found so many little 'treasures', I'm not sure what we're going to do with all of them...

At the end of every day came one of the most wonderful treasures of all....this gorgeous sunset. God gave us such a lovely time away...together.
Oh, yeah! I am so glad that you guys got to go to the beach and have a wonderful time together! God is so good!
We did have such a super time...especially because we were together.
Is your email working??
Love you n miss you!
Cute look on your blog! I love the beach flip flop pic. gonna have to remember that when we go this year.
Ok, now I'm jealous. We are land locked, but I guess we could find a lake and pretend it was the ocean!teehee It looked very inviting that for sure. I'm thankful the Lord blessed you with such a beautiful day. Love you, Tammy A.
Thanks Beth! I love flip flops and try to have one pair in as many colors as I can find.
Hi Tammy! Your pic of you all in front of that waterfall was gorgeous! What a wonderful place to go. Do you have anything like it near you?
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