Our First Week of Business!
Our first week of business has been great! We started out on Monday opening the doors at 10:30 am and at 10:40 am the phone began to ring. Earlier that morning we faxed out some menus to the local businesses. They didn't waste any time making their calls to place orders. Yippee!! Bring it on!! The first day was a success! We took so many call-in orders I can't remember them all and we didn't even look at the big clock that's up on the wall until late that afternoon. The whole day went by so fast. It was great. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were even better and we spent the days very busy completing orders, talking with the people, making connections and serving meals to our customers. It's been absolutely amazing!! I've made copies of some very old photos to use for decorations. Like I shared before, I went to the Historical Society and Mrs. Ila Ruth Cooley has helped me so much. She gave me so much information and insight to Arab's past. I've enjoyed spending time with her and getting to know more about my town. I love that! On Tuesday, a couple came in and as we began to talk, the lady says, "That's my grandfather! Right there in that photo of the old mercantile!" She was excited about that and had to tell me all about it. I want everyone who comes in this place to feel some sort of 'connection'. Pretty soon they'll want to know more about us and what makes us different. I know they're coming. If we build it, they will come!! Remember that saying? I know it's happening...this is just the beginning! BRING IT ON!!!
Here is our starting crew. Michelle, Rhonda, Savannah, Jade, Jessica, Camille, Garrett, Micaylah, and Austin. Not pictured:Kendra Garrett bussed the tables and made sure they were sanitized properly for the next customers. Micaylah vacuumed around each table and straightened the chairs, while Austin held the door open and helped bring plates to customers when their order was ready. They all earned tips and got to go to the $Tree this week.
Rhonda, Savannah, Kendra & Michelle worked with Grant in the kitchen to prepare the various sandwiches and baskets of food. Every sandwich comes with a side and little something extra.
There was much preparation to do in the kitchen before opening time. Potato salad, pasta salad, chicken salad and slicing of meats must be done before opening. We take time to prepare the sliced meats so portions are all the same and correct in the midst of the hullaballoo of lunch time hours. This assures us (& our customers) that we are giving out proper portions.
Camille, Jordan, Jessica and I took food out to the seated customers and refilled drinks while we talked with them and got their opinion of our new place. We didn't have one negative comment. Not even one. Everyone was so glad to have a nice little place where they could come in and sit a while, listen to good music, read while they ate and chat with someone who cared. They have had nothing but wonderful things to say about the Cornerstone Deli! I'm so glad. I actually don't have anything but good to say about our customers. We've already had repeat customers this week too! That's what we want. We even had the local radio personality stop in and eat with us. He told his friend and they came in and she told her friend and this afternoon (Sat) the retired Fire Chief and his wife, who is running for mayor and sits on the city council, came in and we enjoyed a nice time of reminiscing. They ended up knowing Grant from a long time ago. Like I said before, everyone knows Grant from some way or another from some time ago. (remember the carpet deal???) He's just that kind of person and has a very special way about him. Right before closing today, another nice lady came by to get dinner for her husband. She wants to have her Red Hat Society Club meet at our restaurant! How fun does that sound?? I'm sure that will prove to be a hoot! They've asked to schedule it for the first Friday in August. Sounds great with us. They'll have about 16-24 in their party. Ok, I'm not sure where this may be going, but like we shared before, we'll go where God wants to take us. We've already come this far. Catering? Mmmm...party of 24? God has his own plan and I know we will be going there. Thank you for your prayers and support. Let's go!! Living in His Blessed Graces...Grant and Kimi
Grant,Kimi and the rest of the clan.... We love you guys and we know that this restaurant is going to grow and we are excited to see it all come to pass. We are praying for you all and we love you.
BTW... Jeff loved the Chicken Parmesan + all the extras! Catering here we go!
Praise the Lord!! What an awesome blessing and door that Jesus opened for y'all. You have all been willing and He is certainly able! We can't wait to hear more of what the Lord does through each and everyone of you! May God bless you richly.
Love you,
Bryan, Tammy and Sarah Aslesen
Sis. Kimi..
I've been waiting on pins and needles to here how it's going at the Deli since you opened. What good news you had to share. This is so awesome what ya'll are doing! Your a strong woman Sis. Kimi and I'm proud to know you :0)
Much Love.
That is so Awesome! Sounds like you need to start hiring more workers or you are gonna be whipped! I am so glad it went good!
Sis. Kimi, I am so excited for you guys. I am so glad things have got off to a great start! As soon as pay day gets here, I am there!! Love you guys.
J&B-we are so glad Jeff enjoyed the Chicken Parm. It has really been a top seller. Thank you so much for all of your help and effort (the other day, working up here)
Love you!
Thank you Tammy-God has definitely opened the DOOR. We just had to walk through, didn't we?!
We love ya'll!
Sis Rachel-I can't wait to give you a big hug and welcome you to our little deli. We will serve you up something good, in style.
We love you both!
Kristy-I'm so glad you came and ate with us. Thank you so, so, soo much for offering to take the children with you for the whole day! Micaylah and Austin had such a fun time with Madison and Elijah. That was appreciated more than you'll ever know. And I didn't even worry a bit over them!
Love you!
We look forward to seeing you and Bro Ken there soon, Sis Holly! And bring those boys too. We have hot dogs & PB&J's you know. :)
To all of our friends and family...thank you for your love and prayers and support during this time. We couldn't have done it without you all! And I mean all of you-we love you! Grant & Kimi
Amazing & so inspiring! You started a business!!! God is so good! I've been wondering how things have been going since you opened! Has anyone asked about the meaning behind the name? I have a feeling that God has big plans for your little deli! Be sure to post pictures of the inside decor as you add it for those of us who can't stop by! :)
I believe it too Paris! Thank you for your encouragement. It is a good feeling to know others really care and I appreciate your sweet words to us.
I will be sure to post photos soon.
Love you! Kimi
How neat is that??? I am so excited to see what God is doing in and through your family and know that He will continue to provide - in every way! Can't wait to see how He uses this restaurant for His glory and your blessing! We love you guys!
He really is providing in every singly way! We are learning so much as we go along and give God all the glory for what and how HE has done this wonderful thing through us!
We want to be a blessing to our community and give to them in some special way.
Thank you for your love and prayers...Miss you so much!
Love you` Kimi
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