
We Are Opening A Restaurant!!

It's true! We have begun the work in the building and are so excited about what God is doing for us and through us. It's going to be fantastic! I don't even know where to start sharing the story. My husband, Grant, has always wanted to have his own business. He has worked in the industry for many, many years. Even longer in retail. (30+ yrs) He has an excellent business operations mind and can deal with numbers so well. I'm so very proud of him for stepping out on faith and completely trusting the Lord in such a beautiful way as he has. He has always had a steady, 'I know where the $ is coming from' income. He has provided for our family so lovingly. Day in and day out. Faithfully. This time it's different. He said, "Good-bye", to his corporate peers and the 'status-quo' that dictates how successful you are...according to the world's view. He stepped out and said, "My value is not measured by the numbers meeting the deadline or the bottom line of this or that. He said, "NO!!" to it all. He stepped out in faith of the almighty God who calls us to another place. A better, higher place. This is a portion of his resignation letter... "...My job does not dictate my decisions in life. I live by a higher law. My job is only the field that I am placed in for specific seasons to effectively change the lives of people God places in my pathway. When I am called to a new field and more lives to touch, I must go. This is not a choice for me. I am called to a new place to effectively change lives for the kingdom. This is the measure of success by which I choose to live my life by. This is the example of success that my wife and children will see in me. I will not allow the world's opinion of success to influence how they feel about themselves. This opinion will never allow them to achieve the level of success that God has called them to..." Every day I am thankful for all that the Lord has done for me and all that HE has blessed me with by way of family, church family, friends, neighbors, my community, just everything, but in writing this today I must admit I feel more admiration for my husband than any other time I can think of. He is standing on the Word of God and it is alive. God is using him in a miraculous way. Oh, I'm not going to lie and tell you I haven't been afraid. I have! And I cast it into outer darkness. By the blood of Jesus. We have just jumped off of the corporate 'band-wagon' so to speak. And completely into the arms of our loving Savior and our dearest, most trusted best friend! He is our Jehovah-Jireh! He is Jehovah-Nissi, our Jehovah-EVERYTHING!! He will show us the way. Now we are going straight to where God is calling us. WITH GOD!! COMPLETELY!! NOT LOOKING BACK AND NOT LOOKING DOWN. We may not ....know... where our feet are being planted either. But we know we are walking on ...SOLID GROUND... Because we're standing on the solid rock. The chief Cornerstone. The Alpha and Omega. We don't have to see...to really see where we are going. Just trust. Trust in, trust on. And we do, we will and we are!! So here we go. OUR RESTAURANT IS CALLED... "THE CORNERSTONE DELI". Bring it on!! And that's just the beginning of sharing the story.


Tammy said...

Praise God! We will be praying for y'all and cannot wait to see what the Lord does through you in this big adventure He has started you on. Follow your leader and their will be no limits to what the Lord can and will do through you. May the Lord bless you richly.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say good luck, God has done this for me in a big way i know He is able to do it for you.

God bless

~Kimberly~ said...

Thanks for your encouragement...we are excited to see how good it's going to get!!


G & K

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