cleaning the to bottom...even the walls were scoured. every piece of equipment was thoroughly gone over and disinfected two times. smells so much better now.

re-covering all the chair cushions took several days. we had to choose just the right fabric to hold up to many guests and something that would clean easily too. wow! they look and feel great! the color is a burnt red. i love it!

after hours of preparing the floor on our hands and knees, we were able to lay carpet.
it wasn't just any carpet was just the right color. GOD did that for us in a wonderful way! notice the walls now...they aren't brite white any more~~yaaaaeeee!!!

you didn't really notice the sign/frame housing out front, but now you can see it from the overpass @ hwy 69!!! it's bright yellow and the sign we're placing in it going to be gorgeous. look closely at Jordan's shades. did your glasses fall into the paint?
Good luck with your deli!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! The work we have all put in is about to pay off!! WOOHOO!! And the memories (mom + trash bags= hillarious!!) are some for the books!! I am so glad to be home with my family!! I love you guys!!!!
So cool! ~Kristy
Thanks for your encouragement. We can never get too much of it and it always seems to come at just the right time.
Savannah, we are sooo glad to have you home too. I'm lovin' it. Dad loves having you home and it's great that ya'll get to work together. Trash bags?? what in the world? Nevermind, don't answer.
Kristy, I haven't seen you in a few days...come help me with the RR. lol.
GOOD GRIEF Jordan did you ever get carried away or what just paint the sign.I know who not to ask to help me paint
yea, we know WHO NOT to ask!!! now don't we?!
Love you Kimi
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