It's the REAL THING!!
They say that 'Coke is the Real Thing'. Well, that may be true as far a soda's are concerned, but I'm gonna tell ya what...Jesus Christ is the Real Thing of EVERYTHING!! ABSOLUTELY ALL OF IT.
That is why we are doing what we are doing, because of Him. He has given us power over all the darkness and over all the works of that dark world.
Our pastor, Reverend Greg Wilbanks, just preached an awesome message that brought that into light once again. It was about "The Unchangeable Purpose of God" and the Word declares in Ps 8:1, Oh, Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! v.2 says, out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, v.6, says(paraphrased) and we are to have dominion over the works of our hands.
God's purpose for man upon the earth is for man to rule the darkness...satan. Since the 'fall' took place, it looked as if God's purpose couldn't be fulfilled. Darkness crept in and took it thought. Was God's plan defeated? No!!
God assigned and designed man to rule satan! Not for satan to dominate man.
A defeated man is not in God's plan! A dominated man is not in God's plan! A ruling man IS in God's plan.
To this day! Right NOW! Since God NEVER changes, how could his plan change. It could not. He is the author and finisher of our faith. He will never change. His plan is unchangeable and that is why he robed himself in flesh to be born of a virgin and take on the sins of the world. Jesus Christ!! The same yesterday, today and forever! He will never change and that is his plan. He is the real thing.
I am so proud of each of you...all the work that has been done, good job. The deli looks great, I love the pictures. Hope this goes thru Love you all, Mama
the deli looks great, you guys are really working hard. love the pics
Thanks! We are getting more and more excited by the day! And all the little things are seeming to take so much time, but we know that is what will make the difference.
Mama, I'm glad you were finally able to get your msg through. I love you
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