
{a new little CrEaTuRe}-boy what next? Ok, I probably don't need to know...

We found a little, baby turtle last week and have decided to keep him.  He is a tiny, little thing and loves to swim around.  He's called a Yellow-Bellied, Mud Slider and is not even as big as a half dollar.  We named him "Skip-Er-Dee Zapper". It really is our son's thing and he will be the primary {care-giver}.

Here is a picture of Skip-Er-Dee in the bowl.

Our youngest son found a 'GRUB' and put it in there with him...eeeeewww! 

We did a little research and took the grub out and found a teeny earthworm instead.  He ate it right up in a few seconds.   

We found a larger aquarium this week end and place the turtle in it.  We added water, some rocks and pebbles so he could climb and bask in the sun.  We sat him next to the window and he gets warm that way.  So cute! 

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