Over the past several months, I've been working on cultivating my compost. I've added cut grass after we mow, manure as it dries out, lots of fruit and veggie scraps from the kitchen and generally adding this and that to make the compost ready to use in the fall. I've been turning it regularly and keeping it 'aired' well.
But, about a month or so ago, I noticed a pretty little plant growing in there! In fact it now has blooms all over it and has vines growing in all directions. Needless to say I stopped turning the soil and put the whole thing on hold for a while. I wanted to see what was growing in there.
It was beginning to look like something we planted in the garden and now the compost plant has outgrown the one in my garden!! I checked the leaves, vines and blooms on my garden cantaloupe to see if they looked the same as the compost plant...Yes! They sure did. Exactly the same. Great! The little compost plant is huge with gorgeous, lush leaves, and shoots and runners going everywhere that are covered in blooms! YAY!! It even has a lemon-sized, green ball growing and four more little, fuzzy ball-shapes coming along also. My garden cantaloupe has some also...they match.
It's blooming so beautifully and growing rapidly.
I remember cleaning out the frig and had the kids run some kitchen scraps out to the compost. There was a cantaloupe in the mess I sent out. It was left when we went out of town and so I threw it into the compost. I think it laid there for a good while. I thought it was rotting away...ha!
Here's the little lemon-sized thing.
We'll wait until it and the others grow into the right size and see how they taste. I'll be glad when it gets done growing so I can use that compost to make some 'compost tea' and fertilize my 'real' garden...if it did this well by accident I can't wait to see how it does on purpose!! I think I'll start another compost and make it bigger...wonder what could grow in that.

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