Good Morning!! I just had to take a minute to share this with every morning, the children and I went outside to do all our chores. Among them is checking the garden for vegetables that are ready to be picked. Since we just picked some a few days ago, I didn't bring my bowl out. We were so amazed to see all the things that were ready again. As we were checking the beans, we just kept picking. Our hands were overflowing with beans...I decided to go get my bowl. God is soooo good to us and knows what we need before we even ask. I'm so thankful for His bounty.
Here's what we picked a few minutes ago. It hasn't even been washed yet, but I think it's so pretty.
I love the look and smell of fresh produce and I love it even more because my family and I prepared the soil, planted the seed, watered the ground and then prayed over every inch of that garden. And we have continued to pray over every inch...God gave HIS increase. Now, we are havesting it.
You know, it's just like that with our lives and how we touch others. I want everyone to know how much God has done for us. In order to do that I must share it. When I do, it's like planting a seed that God can then give the increase for.
If you have a story, I wish you'd take a minute and share it on here with me...I would love to add it to this post. Have a great day!! Kimi

I'm going to be planting some beans pretty soon. I hope you planted some basil for those mater! Yum.....
Basil it is!! Sounds yummie! Can't wait to see your beans coming up--yay!
I am so excited for you guys it looks great can't wait to come over and eat some of it.
I can't wait either!! When you com'n back? We sure had a good time the other day, huh!
Love you!
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