Good Morning!
God is doing something very powerful for this family! I just have to tell it. We are selling our home! We put our home on the market to sell, several months ago and now have someone interested...I believe they will be making an offer. PRAY THEY MAKE AN OFFER. We have a great place to move into and are already packed and ready to go. I haven't mentioned it on any posts because of it being Christmas, but we have been in the middle of it all this time and decided to just 'move forward' anyway. The children need to see that no matter what, God is always in control and HE will provide for his people in a perfect way...His timing is perfect, isn't it! So that is what we are doing...but I am asking for your prayers on this. For our family. For our situation. Thank you so, so much!
I hope you have a great day and I will keep you all posted on the progress.
Much love to you! Kimi
Hoping this finds all of you spending your day celebrating the birth of our Savior and Lord of all creation. We are having a wonderful time together. (Although we are missing several somebodies...you know who you are).
Yesterday, we spent the day baking and just being together. We made cookies and I started our Christmas dinner.
Here is a little sample. I have a few other pics of some of the other things we made, but I will need to download them later.
We are getting ready to play another game. Gotta go for now. Much love~Kimi and family

The Wrap Station(day 22)
Every year we set up a little 'wrap station'. With a folding table set up and paper, tape, tags, ribbon, boxes and bags, we can come and wrap at anytime. The kids especially like it because this way they can use it anytime and don't need my help to wrap something special from them. Our house rule at Christmas time is: "Christmas time is not a time for questions." So when we see someone at the wrapping station, we know to look the other way. No need to spoil any suprises! Right?
I didn't take the picture early enough this morning. It was 13 when we got up. I don't care who you are...that's c-o-l-d! Our windchill was 9. We needed to go out and break up the horses water. It was iced over at least 2-3". It was soooo cold. They were glad to see us and look so fluffy with their winter coats. As you can see from the pic below, it's 21 now and our high today is only 32. My friend and her family are on vacation and in very cold temps. I hope they stay warm.

A Walk & My Violet (Photo proj-Day 21)
In our small town, we have a nice little park that has picnic tables, pavilions, a playground and gazebos, just like any other park. But we also have a very old church, the very first school in our town and some cool, main street (antique) stores. They have been moved to our park and are always on display. Every 1st and 3rd Saturdays, the little buildings are open and anyone can stroll through them and make purchases and see how it may have looked many years ago. They even have wares you can buy. It's really neat.
Every year, the town 'department' decorates the entire park up for Christmas. Lights, candles, huge lighted-stars, lighted-banners, and all sorts of decor go up. It literally takes them several months to finish. They start in August to be done by November when they have the "Official Lighting of the Park" opening for all to see. It is alot of fun! And the only reason they do it is to make our town HAPPY.
It is such a fun time. On Friday & Saturday they have a concession stand up and sell hot cocoa, popcorn balls, and other treats for the kids (and anyone else :0) This is a photo of the big gazebo near the front of the park. We make sure to go every year so we can look for any new decorations that might be up.
If you get the chance, come on over and we'll go to the park for a walk.
In the midst of all this cold weather, it is quite a job keeping my indoor plants looking good and thriving. I enjoy taking care of little plants and seeing them grow. I especially like variegated Spider plants. I also have just started learning about African Violets. This one was given to me a few months ago and it was only about as big as the first ring of leaves (from the center outward). I guess I must have placed it in the right spot on my window sill and it has been growing very well. I moved it to my little plant cart with my Spider plants and it is still thriving. They seem to get just the right amount of sunlight there in the sunroom.
I think having a bit of LIVE greenery in my home is essential. It's one of the staples of decor I like to use when making up a design element. It works for me.

Always Jesus!(photo proj-day 20)
A very nice brunch this morning. We had fluffy, home made biscuits with bacon (turkey, of course), eggs (fresh) and OJ, along with some of that cream cheese icing and coffee. Mmmm...I think everyone had seconds. Camille was able to be with us today and that made it so nice. 

This evening my husband and I took a walk. Then he wanted to take a photo of the house with all the lights up.
After that we went to the place that claims that they 'always have THE lowest prices, ALWAYS'.
I can honestly say, we haven't been there but twice the whole season and that was ONLY because my grocer was out of what I needed. I have made it my business to stay away and have found it to be "rather refreshing". Plus, all that extra $$ is still in our pocket. I tell myself and live by this..."the only thing I really, always need is Jesus!".

Just for Autumn (day 19)
Micaylah and I decided we would make something this afternoon.
After I got her started on the sewing machine,
she wanted to finish it herself.
Since I had some felt left over from another craft, we cut it up into equal pieces and sewed all the squares into a larger square.

Then we laid the two pieces together, cutting and tying all the ends together. You probably already know what it is...we made Autumn(our little min-pin) a mini tie blankie, especially for her.
Now she has her own little place to rest on and she can use it to sleep with. She has a snowman blankie that she sleeps with, but she already seems to like her new one.

The Nativity-(day 19)

Crafts for Christmas (day 18)
I am always on the lookout for a good, fun and easy craft that the kids and I can do for different seasons and then keep them out on display.
Here's a REALLY FUN craft to make that doesn't take any craft experience at all. It's a snowman family and you can make as many as you would like! Super Easy!
- powdered coffee creamer containers-one for each snowman
- package of white tube socks
- tiny black buttons-2 for each snowman
- tiny buttons of various colors-for decor(we used flower shaped from my scrapbook stuff)
- orange pipe cleaners-shaped into a 'carrot'
- fluffy pom-poms-for hats
- fleece-various colors for their hats and scarves
- hot glue and glue gun
- rubber bands-two (2) for each snowman, one above eyes and one at top of hat
- zip-lock sandwich baggie & rice or beans-1/2 cup for each snowman
- remove lid, place sock over container.
- fill baggie with 1/2 cup rice or beans. Place into container and replace lid. Secure lid.
- cut a piece of fleece the size you'd like to make a cute, little hat.
- roll the fleece around the top of snowman and place 1 rubber band at lid(rim) and fold the fleece up to cover. Glue into place.
- at floppy end of hat, secure the second rubber band. Glue a few pom-poms around to cover rubber band. (I fringed some)
- using buttons, glue eyes into place and then the nose.
- cut a thin piece of fleece to go around the neck. Don't forget to allow enough to make the knot and hang down nicely. Tie into place.
- glue buttons down the front.
- straighten the sock so it looks even.

- newspaper
- scissors
- pencil & eraser
- fabric -enough to make the stocking (I used a different fabric for all 9 of us)
- sewing machine or glue (I used my sewing machine)
- embellishments (eg: glitter, buttons,ribbon, stars, etc)
- Draw a pattern that you like onto newspaper. Cut it out
- Place 2 pieces of fabric, right side together. lay flat on table.
- PIN BOTH PIECES TOGETHER, just about where the pattern will lay.
- Trace the 'pattern' onto the fabric. Make sure pins are in proper places.
- Cut out the stocking pattern and sew together.
- Turn right side out and press with iron to make it flat.
- Hand sew a little loop on one side.
- Lay them out and let the kids decorate them till their hearts content.
Favorite Reads & Yummie Treats (Day 17)
Most of the time we are pretty much a 'healthy food' family. Most of the time. B-U-T, we are in the month of December and we do enjoy having a variety of goodies to choose from. Sooooo...Even though I prefer NOT to use refrigerated type biscuits, I made this little treat for the kids and they just loved it...so did I! It is so simple too!

Here's the recipe:
- 1 can Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls (frig dept @ grocer)
- 1/2 pkg cream cheese
- 3 T real butter
- 1 C confection sugar
- 1/2 t vanilla
*Lay cinnamon rolls on stone or cookie sheet, CUT INTO FOURTHS, this is an important part because it makes it more fun for the kids and you don't really eat as much as you would if they were whole. Then you can put extra icing on the top and that is what really counts! Right!! Bake as directed on pkg. *While they're baking, place cream cheese, butter & vanilla in medium sized bowl. Using hand mixer, blend well. (until softened) Add sugar and blend until smooth. *When rolls are finished baking, immediately spread the icing over them and serve with hot cocoa or coffee. Enjoy!!

A night out...(Photo Proj-Day 16)
Tonight my husband and I had a wonderful time! We got to go to a lovely Christmas party. It was given by the owner of my husband's company, Mr. Joe Turner. Now, we have been to many of these kinds of parties and have even given them ourselves, but I must say this...it was thee most professional and 'Christmas honoring' one I've ever been to.
When we arrived (a bit late, due to the fog), Mr. Turner (Joe), Eric, and Dane & Scott graciously introduced themselves to us...and as we stood, trying to decide where to sit, Mr. Turner asked if we'd like to sit with him. We had such a nice evening. Nearly 2 whole hours had passed and I realized I hadn't even called to check on the kids. When I did, they were fine. Did I say how good the food was. I had chicken in a creamy mushroom sauce and Grant had steak and they both came with steamed zucchini, squash, carrots, peppers and creamy garlic mashed potatoes. Yummie! There was also a wonderful chocolate cake w/chocolate sauce and a huge scoop of ice cream too. I couldn't eat half of it. The restaurant is Grill 29, in a neat little area just outside of town. Here's a pic of the outside of it. This fountain is really gorgeous.
I'm thankful for a wonderful time with my sweet husband and for the kind people he is now working with. God has his hand on this whole situation.
Oh, by the way. The company my husband is with now, is Wendy's. How neat is that!!
Blessings to you~Kimi
Little Somethings! (DPP- Day 15)
The children like to countdown to Christmas using this little snowman chalk board. We have had it for a while-I think we got it for $1 at the $ Tree. It just goes to show, you don't have to spend lots of $$$ to do a little something special. Florence Littauer says, "It takes so little to be ABOVE average." That dollar bought a whole lotta of smiles!
How 'bout that! :)
This year we are doing something new with our kids. Every day they will get to open a very special little present. Grant & I have placed a 'little something' in 48 tiny, colorful boxes. They will each have one for the **12 Days of Christmas**. There may be a Bible scripture, a note from Mom or Dad, an IOU (eg: "I will take you to the ice cream shop"), or a fun size piece of candy. I stacked the cute packages (2"x2") on my 3-tiered server.
They can choose any one they may want.
After that, we open a little window on our scenic advent calendar.
Each day builds up to the birth of Jesus with a note or verse printed on the numbered, little window.

I just love Tea and Coffee! A few years ago, my husband and I found this little antique cabinet at a local shop and I thought it would be perfect to house all my different teas and coffees. It's been fun decorating it for the seasons and I keep it filled and ready for friends to share. I like to use a peppermint stick in my tea,so nearby I keep a few on hand. My Mother gave me the Christmas sugar and creamer china set-many, many years ago. She included the pretty,
dainty plates and cups with it. I especially love my scented Christmas mat from Tammy.

photo project-day 14
Wow!! Has this been an exciting day! A great day that started at chuch this morning with a powerful message about "Change". Then this evening's events were superb! We actually have our OWN TSO--Transiberian Orchestra that is. Did they ever out do themselves tonight. Here is Bro I with some of the members...Bro Greg is in the drum booth.(not :( pictured) Camille is playing next to Bro I. They gave praises to God in a special way with those instruments!
Drake and Garrett are singing in the kids choral.
Drake and Garrett are good buds! How cool is that!
Micaylah is singing her verse as the 'nightwind'.
This was the best part of all! Here is a picture of Bridget's sister-in-law getting baptized in Jesus Name! The only name given among men where by we must be saved. She was so excited and she came out so happy! WE all are!
That's what Christmas is all about! New life in Jesus!
Afterall, that's why He came.

This was the manger scene.
Donte', Hunter and James were the wisemen.
Makenzie was Mary and Adam was Joseph.
See Austin grinning-isn't he cute!

Photo project-day 13
these are a few of my favorite things...
When it comes to Christmas, we so enjoy getting out our most treasured things. So many little items have precious memories that go along with each one. Here are a few of mine:
snowflakes, a glass ornament from my husband, a new flower to myself and a very old crochet angel. But these are only the tangible ones, below is what I treasure most!
Here are 4 of my little treasures taking an afternoon nap.
And one of their favorite things is... making a huge 'pallet', right in front of our tree, then piling lots & lots of blankets and pillows everywhere and finally ploppin' down for a long story, a family game or in this case just a nap. I actually found room to squeeze in there myself this afternoon too. It was great! I really needed the nap.
(ps-they don't know I took this pic, ha!)

photo project-day 12
Since we didn't start this project on the 1st of December, we will add a few extra pics along the way.
When I was growing up, my Grandma always had apples on hand. She said, "An apple a day keeps sickness at bay." So especially around the Christmas season she would make these wonderfully, delicious cinnamon apples for all the grand kids.
I loved them immensely. So this year we made some of our own and they turned out just lovely.
Every year when it gets colder, we like to give our little doggies some special, holiday treats too. Here are Lacy, Autum and Reebok(the cat) waiting for something special. They almost look like they are smiling. Well, maybe not Reebok. She's a cat, after all!

My friend was telling me about a project that she was doing on her blog...it is a photo project and basically you take every day during the month of December and document it with a picture. The picture should show what December/Christmas means to you and your family.
Now, since I am a bit behind, I will start with today (the 11th). Maybe I will place 2 or 3 photos in one day...or not...I will most definitely, absolutely have fun with it! Hope you will try it too.
Day 11
Fresh baked cookies..mmm...this is one of the favorite things for our family.

My poor little pc
Here we are in the month of December and no posting yet. Well, I do apologize to all my bloggy friends for not posting. My computer is not running too good lately and even though a friend looked at it and fixed some of the problems, it is still not able to run good. It blinks out and the screen goes black and then when we try to turn it off, it stays on indefinitely.
But, I am trying to view all of your blogs and that is quite a job for my pc. I have been enjoying it emensely though!!! Hopefully, we will get things running better soon. Till then, Christmas time's a coming and oh it won't be long!
Much love, Kimi
Early Winter?
It seems that winter has come a bit early for us here in Sweet Home Alabama.
These last few days have brought some cold winds and even colder temps.
Although we have had frost several mornings already, this morning we woke up and there was frost all over the ground...it was everywhere! It was the prettiest morning yet. Sunshine everywhere, glittering mist, brisk air into your lungs!! Just wonderful!
"Frost on the pun-kin!", says Grant's Granny. Meaning that it's a 'frosty white' all across the fields, the hills and mountains and also time to bring in the pets, store up the lawn furniture and get out the favorite recipes for baking! Ooooo, we love it. There's just something special about baking when it's brisk and beautiful.
We have a few Holly Berry Trees in our front yard that are producing so many berries this year. I'm told that is a sign of a hard winter ahead.
The berries will be good food for the birds passing by later this month. We've already had so many flocks flying by, we knew winter was on its way soon.

It registered 30 degrees on our digital thermometer early this morning.
saturday afternoon...

Oh, we like to spend them together and doing fun stuff that keeps us feeling refreshed and young and full of life! Here's what we've been doing lately...

...we went out to ride a while....here's Garrett, Austin, Micaylah and Camille at the horses gate. the sun was setting and the sky was a gorgeous violet-blue.
God really knows how to mix the color pallet! WOW!
Here's 3 of our horsies. Black Beauty is rolling because she likes to itch after she has had a good brushing. Diego is the 'painted' one and a fly is biting his belly and Maria is our thoroughbred and largest of all the horses we have. (Macy is not in this pic, but look below).
Here's Macy. She is my husbands' Walking Horse, but she doesn't like to walk very often...what she really likes is to RUN! Especially when my husband is riding her. He likes to run too. She is a very good horse and has a great disposition also. She will stand while you groom her and even lets the kids ride her. Next to Maria, we have had her the longest.

This is Beauty. She is a jet black Tenn. Walking Horse with good papers. And she rides like a dream. You won't ever know if you hit a bump with her. She is great with the kids too.

They are grazers...the eat lots of grass, fresh hay and sweet feed. Sometimes we give them alfalfa feed and it makes them get real fiesty! That's a good time to go riding...they will get up and go!
Looks who's getting into the snack tin...what's inside?
Mmmm...fresh baked chocolate chip cookies!
Missy is feeding Beauty some fresh grass while we brush out her long mane and tale. She really enjoys the tlc we give her. I think she's a bit spoiled :)
Look who's getting on her horse! Don't fall Camille. Camille owns Maria. Maria is our biggest horse. She is 16.1 hands tall and has a nice lope. She can really stretch out when she is in a full run. Garrett thinks he can catch her if she were to fall off the other side.
The weather has been so nice lately that we have wanted to go out more often and so we will pack a snack for us. I baked some chocolate cookies and carried them in a little antique tin and then brought a treat for them (the horses-they really like granola bars). We load up and take a little trip to the country.
This is Diego. He is our baby. He is only 3 and is a tri-color paint horse. He is great with the kids and loves to put his head on your shoulder. I can't wait to ride him. We haven't even broke/gentled him yet. I think we are going to do that this fall. He shouldn't be any trouble since he has such a great disposition. I broke my first colt some years ago after we had gentled him for several years. When I got on him, he didn't even buck or anything.
I think it's a trust factor.
This particular afternoon the horses were over with the cows.
So we tromped through the pasture and called out "Hhhaaaaw--ssseeeeeeeesssss" as loud as we could. This is the call that they answer to and then they come running. They don't even have to see us. They can just hear our voices and up they come over the hills and oh, they look so beautiful.
I love to see them running across the hills like that.
This is my horse. (Beauty) She is just wonderful! My husband got her for me 3 years ago after my other horse was struck by lightning 2 years prior. I wish I could ride more often. I love to go riding.
Look at this boy! Isn't he so cute?? He loves to roll and itch his back. They say that a horse that can roll over is really smart and highly intelligent. Too bad we can't get good $$ for him.

For the last 6 Saturdays in a row, after working we have been taking some time to breath...ah..just a little time to refresh ourselves.

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