A very nice brunch this morning. We had fluffy, home made biscuits with bacon (turkey, of course), eggs (fresh) and OJ, along with some of that cream cheese icing and coffee. Mmmm...I think everyone had seconds. Camille was able to be with us today and that made it so nice. 

This evening my husband and I took a walk. Then he wanted to take a photo of the house with all the lights up.
After that we went to the place that claims that they 'always have THE lowest prices, ALWAYS'.
I can honestly say, we haven't been there but twice the whole season and that was ONLY because my grocer was out of what I needed. I have made it my business to stay away and have found it to be "rather refreshing". Plus, all that extra $$ is still in our pocket. I tell myself and live by this..."the only thing I really, always need is Jesus!".

AMEN!!! You've only been there twice? Now that's discipline. lol
Discipline? Ha!Ha! Maybe it's just because I don't want to spend any $$ or time there :)
Or maybe b/c I don't have any $$ to spend there...LOL that's even better.
Your house looks just beautiful! And I totally get the $$ situation!!! Staying away is better anyway, for lots of reasons!
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