Oh, we like to spend them together and doing fun stuff that keeps us feeling refreshed and young and full of life! Here's what we've been doing lately...

...we went out to ride a while....here's Garrett, Austin, Micaylah and Camille at the horses gate. the sun was setting and the sky was a gorgeous violet-blue.
God really knows how to mix the color pallet! WOW!
Here's 3 of our horsies. Black Beauty is rolling because she likes to itch after she has had a good brushing. Diego is the 'painted' one and a fly is biting his belly and Maria is our thoroughbred and largest of all the horses we have. (Macy is not in this pic, but look below).
Here's Macy. She is my husbands' Walking Horse, but she doesn't like to walk very often...what she really likes is to RUN! Especially when my husband is riding her. He likes to run too. She is a very good horse and has a great disposition also. She will stand while you groom her and even lets the kids ride her. Next to Maria, we have had her the longest.

This is Beauty. She is a jet black Tenn. Walking Horse with good papers. And she rides like a dream. You won't ever know if you hit a bump with her. She is great with the kids too.

They are grazers...the eat lots of grass, fresh hay and sweet feed. Sometimes we give them alfalfa feed and it makes them get real fiesty! That's a good time to go riding...they will get up and go!
Looks who's getting into the snack tin...what's inside?
Mmmm...fresh baked chocolate chip cookies!
Missy is feeding Beauty some fresh grass while we brush out her long mane and tale. She really enjoys the tlc we give her. I think she's a bit spoiled :)
Look who's getting on her horse! Don't fall Camille. Camille owns Maria. Maria is our biggest horse. She is 16.1 hands tall and has a nice lope. She can really stretch out when she is in a full run. Garrett thinks he can catch her if she were to fall off the other side.
The weather has been so nice lately that we have wanted to go out more often and so we will pack a snack for us. I baked some chocolate cookies and carried them in a little antique tin and then brought a treat for them (the horses-they really like granola bars). We load up and take a little trip to the country.
This is Diego. He is our baby. He is only 3 and is a tri-color paint horse. He is great with the kids and loves to put his head on your shoulder. I can't wait to ride him. We haven't even broke/gentled him yet. I think we are going to do that this fall. He shouldn't be any trouble since he has such a great disposition. I broke my first colt some years ago after we had gentled him for several years. When I got on him, he didn't even buck or anything.
I think it's a trust factor.
This particular afternoon the horses were over with the cows.
So we tromped through the pasture and called out "Hhhaaaaw--ssseeeeeeeesssss" as loud as we could. This is the call that they answer to and then they come running. They don't even have to see us. They can just hear our voices and up they come over the hills and oh, they look so beautiful.
I love to see them running across the hills like that.
This is my horse. (Beauty) She is just wonderful! My husband got her for me 3 years ago after my other horse was struck by lightning 2 years prior. I wish I could ride more often. I love to go riding.
Look at this boy! Isn't he so cute?? He loves to roll and itch his back. They say that a horse that can roll over is really smart and highly intelligent. Too bad we can't get good $$ for him.

For the last 6 Saturdays in a row, after working we have been taking some time to breath...ah..just a little time to refresh ourselves.

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. The horses act like big puppy dogs rolling around in the grass. They seem very fun to be around.
Oh, my goodness - I don't know how I missed this post! How pretty the horses look! I wish we could be there too... I am thankful for your time that you are having together, though - what a blessing! Love you!
I love this site just as much as I do your other one. I am glad I have found them. I have link to you too. Thank you for commenting on my blog or I would not have known about you. I will definitely be returning to both sites as a regular. Again, thank you for your gracious comment.
Your new friend, Jolene
*Oh, we do have fun out at the horses. Maybe you could come along with the boys before it gets too cold. I know Austin would love that! Love You!
*We miss you guys soo much and wish you could have gone out there with us. We had fun while you were here. Love You all!
*Sis Mendoza~ Thank you for your sweet comment. I always get inspired when I visit your blog and read your posts. You're amazing! I'm so happy to have a new bloggin' friend~Kimi
Your horses are beautiful. What great family time. I love the pic's of them scratching their backs.
lv ya,
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