Well, if you are like us, you love any chance you can get to take a trip to the zoo. Two of our youngest kids are studying
Apologia Science-Land Animals of the Sixth Day,
and they are learning about mammals, creation, animal careers, everything animal! Right now we have been studying “Predators & Prey”, “Habituation”, and “Camouflage”. So, we went to our local zoological park this week and visited the areas specifically related to our study.
This is called a ‘Wild Dog’. It’s a very brightly colored creature with sharp teeth. Very unusual!
Of course, these young lions are among the most feared predators around. Let’s just keep them on the other side of the glass, shall we. Actually, these gorgeous girls, named Asha, Kimba, and Lily, will be traveling down to Mexico soon. They are part of a species survival program, called the (SSP) Species Survival Plan. The zoo they will be transferring to is also part of the AZA and is an accredited institution. Labor Day weekend will be the final weekend to view them at the Birmingham Zoo.
Some of the kids observing the fresh water turtles, large fish and fowl in the pond that’s in the center of the zoo.
This is the Red Panda.
As we were walking around this area, a little flamingo began following the girls…it was stretching its neck over the barrier and almost poked them on their shoulders. When they looked back at it, the flamingo just stared at them and waited. Then we found some approved animal treats and fed them. 

Apparently, these little guys are used to getting these little treats. The girls screamed with excitement as the birds poked the food from their hands.
The zebra is always one of our favorite animals. There is five in this exhibit and earlier this morning they were feeding on fresh hay. No two stripes are the same.

We did get to watch the elephants feeding that morning. They were feasting on a healthy diet of veggies….more specifically: sweet potatoes! 

Elephants are the focus of the Trails of Africa exhibit. It has a cultural themed motif that adds to the whole African experience.
(above) wonder what these strange animals are called???
There was so many other exhibits and probably too many to show on just one post. I know it’s just a bunch of animals, but what is so amazing is that we serve the One who has created ALL of them! We took time with the kids and talked with them about how amazing God truly is to have placed every shape, color, size, ability into all of these gorgeous creatures. What an absolutely wonderful God we serve!
Thanks for visiting and come back soon. Kimi
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