With the recent storms that have changed the face of our community, we have to admit that we will be changing along with it. Braving more storms out here in tornado alley is not a comforting thought.
Our plans have taken a new turn and instead of building a house on our property here in the country we are selling out. For these last few months, we have been looking for just the right place. Living in such a beautiful state, there are many natural surroundings that add to the character and beauty that make a house a home. We found a wonderful house nestled in between these gorgeous mountains and it’s closer to our church and to my husband’s job.
Here are a few pictures that we wanted to share that show part of the natural surroundings of our new home. To the left of this pic is a mountain as well as to the far right.
There is a gorgeous creek that runs through our front yard. It had just rained, so the creek had turned into quite a ‘little’ river. It normally is not flowing this fast, nor is it deep.
The property comes with 26 additional acres and has a couple of ponds on them…stocked with catfish. We shall see what becomes of our new journey.

The house itself is big and spacious, plus it has a deck or two. The best thing it has to offer is that it comes with a huge, finished basement!!! YAYEE FOR US!! I’m lovin’ it!! More to come…
Thanks for coming by for a visit~Kimi