After starting out the day with a lengthy trek up the driveway to our car, the kids were off to ride down the hills in our pasture. Diego, our ever faithful tri-colored paint is watching over the kids as they slide down the hills and then run back up. He figures he could do it too, but for now it's their turn.
Chickens are inside their coop, trying to stay warm, waiting for more scratch feed. Ok, they'll get a little bit more, since it's so cold.
Laci, our 8 1/2 yr old mix breed dog, has adapted well to farm life. She doesn't leave the kids when they are outdoors. Sometimes I can't tell who is having more fun, the kids or the animals.
At last, snow angels! The snow that fell earlier this morning has made it soft and fluffy to lay on. Well, a little bit softer anyway! And time to go inside. They've been outdoors since before Dad and Sis left this morning. Almost 4 hours ago!
Time for lunch and the preparation for tonight's lows. Supposed to be 12 degrees.
p.s. it didn't make it up to 27 today
p.s. it didn't make it up to 27 today
{MoRe To CoMe!}
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