So as the day went on, we were very productive. My husband and our son made it back from town with kerosene for our heaters. The girls and I kept ourselves busy in the kitchen baking and cooking up a real 'comfort' food meal and our littlest son helped out by collecting snow from outdoors. We made a bunch of homemade chocolaty-chip wheat cookies, several loaves of whole-wheat bread, and a hot meal of fried potatoes, bacon and turkey bacon, grits and homemade gravy. We skipped the fresh eggs because my little chickens are taking a break from laying their eggs. It's just too cold for them to produce right now.
We're not 'ALL' work and no play! While the cookies and bread were baking, some of the kids ran outside to check on the horses water and then I heard it. 'BANG!' 'BANG!' 'BANG!', sounded on the back door. They were all smiles and laughter as I saw all these bursts of snow on the glass! "Mom! Look now!" 'POW!' Right into the glass again and loud laughter. I love it!

Shortly after my husband returned, we heard an engine sound coming up our long, icy driveway. It was our neighbor, Mr. Alexander. He and his wife live on their farm, a short distance from us and he came down to see if we needed any help with our driveway. In the background you can see where there were 3 cars parked. My husband left our car parked, up at the front of the drive, near the road. Mr. Alexander offered to run his grader back and forth to clear the ice and snow from our drive. He did and it's better now. Mr. & Mrs. Alexander are what you'd call real, down-home neighbors and honestly they're one in a million! We should all be more like that! (We HAD neighbors like that 7 years ago)
I've had such great helpers today! Our nine yr old loves to cook. Here he's cooking bacon and fried bologna.
Bread is very much a part of our daily menu. We purchase, store, grind(mill), use and consume whole wheat in many of our dishes. Whole wheat bread, biscuits, waffles, pancakes, cupcakes, cookies, cakes, gravies, potpies, all kinds of crusts, and anything else you could imagine that could have flour in the ingredient list. Here our 10 yr old daughter is making bread in our bread maker. We use the bread maker just to knead the dough and then after its kneaded the dough, we take it out, divide it, bake it and then savor the warm, buttery bread, covered with local honey.
Somebody is getting into the cookie dough! My little bacon helper. Our oldest daughter baked a bunch of cookies with puffed,brown rice, fresh oats and chocolate chips. They were yummie!
Checking the horses' water and getting them up and running to get'em warm!
Diego can't miss out on any fun. He's the most friendly horse I've ever seen. Any time he sees his family (that'd be us) outdoors, he runs over (and I mean run), and nudges us until we sit on his back. I think we're going to seriously work with him this spring. He's not even been broken yet. He's so smart and willing to please his family. It's kinda neat.
Last of the day: pizza, tater tots and fresh, homemade chocolate chip cookies.
{Stay warm. More to come}