
Here's how the coop was moved...

...from the previous property to our new property.  We balanced it on the tractor with a 1200 lb round bale of hay.  Of course the hay weighed much more than the coop, but it worked.  We just strapped the coop onto the front and drove staight through the back pasture.  A few of the chickens were still inside.  We set it down carefully and opened the door.  Out they came running and when one of the kids tried to pick up a chicken, out from one of the chickens, came an egg as they were running around!  What a shock!
We found the perfect spot and positioned it on some cement blocks. 
How 'bout it was cold the day we moved it and then it got colder!! We didn't even have a chicken run made for them yet.  They didn't seem to care.  They just roamed freely in the pasture.  They even laid a few eggs nearly everyday.
Since we had a large warming lamp for them, they didn't seem to mind snuggling down in their coop.
Finally it warmed up some and the snow melted.  They are enjoying their free-ranging pasture.  We have to be careful the area predators  don't have a healthy organic snack.  We've already lost a few to the hawk family that lives in the woods nearby. 
Since it was beginning to get warmer, we decided to go ahead and build that chilcken run for them.  The kids and I set out and put up the lumber and started at it.  It ended up being 10 1/2 ft by 16 ft. 

We had the sides and top up and then we started on the fenced sides.  We really thought this would keep them inside for at least the time being...but, oh no!  They definitely flew the coop!  Aggrivating!!
Now, they have a safe little place to get fresh air and walk around. 

Next, I'm going to show you how we clipped our chickens' wings because they kept flying over the fencing.  It's easier than you'd think! 

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