
Fresh Eggs Everyday!

It has been very cold here and when it gets cold my little chickens don't want to lay their eggs as frequently.  Soooo, we have a red warming lamp in their coop to help them along.  It keeps them warm in the cold of the night and then when the sun is starting to come up in the morning they come out and begin to peck around. 
 Here is Bridget.
 She found 2 eggs this morning and we're going to go see if they've laid any to others around the barn. 

Nope, the little ladies didn't lay any more, so we'll check back later. Did you know that 'hens' don't need a rooster to lay their eggs?  Most hens are born with the capacity to lay between 2000 to 4000 eggs in their lifetime.  Isn't that amazing!  The reason you would have a rooster is so that the eggs could be fertilized and then set by the hen. This would give you little chicks.  So technically we don't need our roosters. I just like them because they are so pretty to look at, but with the way they've been acting here lately, they may end up on our dinner table!

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