
Snow Day! DPP 4-5-6

How about this!!  SNOW DAY!  Last night after dinner we noticed the wind blowing and saw the branches on the trees swaying alot.  As we looked out the window, we noticed a blustery white glow and little bits of snow coming down.  It was gorgeous.  We had some friends over and of course,  the children and the adults had to run outside to play in it...in the dark.

Here's what we woke up to this morning...it was everywhere and these pictures do not really give it justice.  
at the fence line near the barn

out came the chickens, from their warm, cozy coop

this is one of my favorite pics so far this season

the pond looked gorgeous surrounded by the snow

let's make a snowball

it was all over the patio

this is Venture..he's a tuxedo kitty and doesn't he look striking against the white snow..

'coop de lodge 'n lesnow

the sun was just about to come out and after a few hours the snow had almost melted...what a great way to start our season, here in the beautiful state of Alabama. 


Tammy said...

Yeah! It must have headed in our direction b/c this morning we woke up with almost the exact amount of beautiful snow as well and it is almost all melted. Hope you have a blessed day! Thank you for sharing your wonderful pics.

~Kimberly~ said...

Oh, I hope you guys had fun in it like we did! We all ran outside and played, threw snowballs and froze!
Sooooo glad to hear from you!

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