Well, last night the cool temperatures came through...the low was about 50 here in our part of the woods and I had to get the warming light for my little chickens so they wouldn't catch a cold. Here's how the morning looked as I walked out and we began our chores. Horses are grazing, until they hear our voices...
...then they come running...they are such social creatures and enjoy being with 'their people'.
Then over to my little chickens. They are all waiting to be given their favorite feed. Patiently waiting for me at the their little gate, they squawk and move about happily...

Now, they're perfectly happy with their favorite food. Even our duck is content. They're so funny as they peck their way to the feeder.
It was such a gorgeous morning here on the farm that I had to share it. The sun is warm, the breeze is cool and the air is so fresh!
Well, time to get started on school and breakfast, and laundry and all that. We must be finished in time to go into town and then we have church tonight. Plus, I have a test to take in science and then one to take tomorrow in history too-since I went back to college my time is even more precious...I need to get at it!~Have a great day~
I can't wait for the 50's to get here! Love that crisp feeling outside. Are you having any luck with pumpkins? mine are going no where. :(
Hi Beth!
Well, we didn't even try to grow pumpkins this fall. I'm not sure how I would have tended to them if I did begin that task so we just skipped it this year.
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