Now, I cane't rightly a-say what might'n make a good farm 'n figur it might be some difficult to put it into jus one term. Let me study on it a spell....mmmmm.

I reckon itta be tha land 'nd itta be them thair critters thata run all about it.

Itta likely be that tha airs so fur-resh smell'n itta make ya wonta gittup early 'n set out at tha back and just breath i-tall in. 'N Idda spect that itsa all them trees a-blowin and a-swayin in tha wind a-makin' tha birds twitter-payted so that they flutter about nearly knockin' themseves loopy as they bump into one another. Sometimes we look out and kee-in see a rumbl'n storm com'n across the heels and after, it makes evurthin so purty, clean and almost new agin.

As Imma sittin here, I can look out yonder and see the heels cover'd n tha greenest grass you evur did see...horses a-grazin on one side and cows a-brawlin on tha other. Its jus real peaceful-like.
We got our share of work to git done around here tho. That barn needs some tendin' to and with tha fence line cleaned up we arra gittin' ready to plant some vegetables to so as ta hopefully reap a harvest in the months to come.

I figur we'ra gona have to make this land work for us. Imma gona sell me some eggs to the locals and maybe grow some plants and sell them too. Since we got tha horses, we reckon wer a-gona start a saddle club soon. Got us 'bout 10-11 kids to start off with.

I reckon what makes a good farm is see'n the kids run 'n romp all around and not have to worry. Its a sense of accomplish'n even the tiniest and sometimes mundane (back to myself again :). Its watch'n a little flower or seed that you planted, grow. Its the hope you had as a child and feeling your dreams again as they brush your shoulder or blow in the breezes, speaking to your heart.....................we're still here.....waiting.......on you to dream....again. Feeling the hope welling up and emerging into what you imagined many times before....there it is.

When you think about it, having a farm, an apartment, a condo, a house in the city, a little house on a cute corner, a trailor in a park...or any place where you are..... is just the place you're at for that time and are doing what you're doing for that's not what makes anything any better or worse. It's not what makes you any better or worse either. It's just another place to dream and imagine and build and work. And for us it's just a house on some land....and for right's where we live and it's home.
awesome post! just what I needed to hear today (and yesterday and tomorrow too) :)
awesome post..yet again...I love that country accent!!! Too funny! LOVE the pic of your children in the tree, we have a magnolia out front that all my kids love to climb! Fun times.
OH I just saw your grits recipe. Where do I buy whole kernel hard corn? Do grocery stores sell it? Don't tell me I have to grow my own corn before I can make these grits! I can't wait to surprise Bert w/ these.
You crack me up!!!! I love it! So glad to hear a smile in your "voice" - we miss you guys!
Amen, amen, and I say Amen!! You go girl...git er done! That is so true, but wouldn't mind bein' in the country like you folks havin' the breeze blowin and the kidlets a runnin'...;-)
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