Ok, I am realizing that this living out in the country is something else. I just love it! There are so many little birds and big birds, for that matter and cows and other animals. Everywhere. The kids love it and we are always watching now to see if another cow will get out.
Anyway, we were out and about this past Saturday and decided to take the scenic route back home. It was so beautiful and mountainous. There weren't very many homes nearby and it was land on all sides. Just gorgeous. As we were coming around the curve I said out loud, "What is that little thing on the side of the road??" The kids said, "Eeeww! What is it?" Camille asks, "Mom, why don't you pull over and see what it is." I said, "Ok. I'll get out and see if it comes to me." So I got out and clapped my hands on my legs and it just came running right over to me. Practically jumped up into my arms...I know, I know. I AM A GLUTON FOR PUNISHMENT.
Here she is. At first, we weren't real sure what kind of dog she was, but she is so sweet and cute. We brought her home, gave her a bath and got her a little blankie. She curled right up and went to sleep.
We were undecided about her name. We thought of 'Sandi', 'Chikeeta-Bonita', 'Bunny', 'Sugar' and 'Rosanna-Maria-Banana' and none of them seemed to fit. We even waited a couple of days to name her and called the local radio station about a missing little white dog.
I gave our number and the info and no one called.
So we decided to keep her and now we call her "Dusti". She and Laci are getting aquainted pretty well and they both have their own little crates. She and Laci are exactly the same color and they both have little tan patches mixed in with their fur. Oh, did I mention, she is only about 4 1/2 - 5 pounds and when we looked up her size, shape and other info we put in, she came up as a 'long-haired chiahuahua. I couldn't believe it. It said they will only get about 5-6 pounds. She loves the kids and I looked up tons of info about how to train them. There's some good stuff on training.
Anyway, I just thought I'd share our latest bit of news with you and post a little something different. Hope you enjoyed it! Have a great day!

Oh my goodness! That is just great! I love it! Another family member - how exciting! I just love you guys!
Are we too much or are we too much!! You just wait...I have a feeling you may have one show up on your door step sometime soon. lol!
Haha! You are now initiated into country living! All the dogs we have right now are ones we "found". New home, new dog..sounds like a good combo to me!
Ahhh, she is completely adorable. That is the kind of dog that Sarah has been asking for when she gets older. Isn't God good!? Have fun...Love you, Tammy A.
*Yes it does Tina! We re having a blast with her. She has really come out of her little shell. I think she's a keeper.
*Well, if we ever have puppies, Sarah can have one! We'll just send it or bring it up to her--hee hee! My sister mails puppies all the time.
Love you guys! Kimi
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