
Swing Time!

It was about time to get those swings up, so last week we got it done! Yippee!!! The kids are having a super time. Most of all we did it together. I guess you have figured out that 'TOGETHER' is what we do! Usually, if you see one of us, you'll find the others close by!
Here is Grant hitchin' up the first swing to the limb. Some swing time. Was this ever a favorite way to have fun swinging when you were a kid? Swinging on his tummy and laughing the whole way!
Who is always building something?? He thoroughly enjoys hammering and making stuff!


Enjoying this warm weather together

It is always nice to get together with friends. Especially when the weather warms up and all the kids can get outside. I love to make homemade pancakes and waffles from freshly ground wheat. I know that may sound weird, but they really taste so much better than the other flour. So, Christy and I got together and made some breakfast for us all! Now between us we have 13 children. Not all of them were here this particular day...that is really ok. But we did have a great time and enjoyed a nice breakfast together. Now you know homeschoolers...we do accomplish our studies...here we all are in the kitchen. Time for some fun! Ashley and Christy hard at work! Hee-hee! Love you guys!
A little syrup - homemade!! MMmmmmm...good!
Everyone in the kitchen around my little farm table that Bridget gave me...it just fits me! Thanks Bridget...wish you were here too! And Tammy, and Christy B, and Tammy A, and my Mom, and Von, and Michelle, Andrea, Marsha....
Jesse and Garrett preparing their plates.
Emily, Micaylah, Katelin, Ashley, Christy, Austin, Jesse & Garrett. Me(taking pic).We all sat down and had a nice breakfast of freshly milled, homemade pancakes, waffles, and sausages. Complete with homemade syrup. There was a few pancakes left so we sent them home to Bob and Micheal. (Christy's husband and son). Hope they liked them!
Camille and Ashley are catching up on conversation.
Here's a new 'do' for ya! Turned out pretty Camille :)
Another day on the dirt mound...Jesse and Austin
Jacob is driving this half track, front end loader...big guy!
Emily is holding Dusti, Micaylah and Katelin are keeping Laci still. What sweet friends
We ended the afternoon with some soccer ball and running.
Christy and I got to sit on the patio watching them run and play and talk a while. It was a very nice day...I am looking forward to doing it again soon. Now she is not my neighbor any longer...she is my friend. God has a way of bringing special people into our lives.


If you give a kid some land...

If you give a kid some land he'll probably want to go outside to see it.But of course, he won't be happy just standing there looking at it. He'll want to run and play on it... And after he runs and plays on it, he will want to climb the trees on it,\When he has climbed the trees on it(and not fallen out), he will want to build something on it!Or rake leaves to jump into.
When he's done with that, he'll want to dig in the dirt that is on it.
After he digs awhile, he'll want to play in that dirt. And he'll go looking for the biggest dirt mound he can find.
And he'll run and play and jump and slide all up and down that dirt mound, until he absolutely has dirt from head to toe.
Then he'll wonder why his stomach is growling so loud. So he'll want you to build him a camp fire. After you build the camp fire, he'll probably want some marshmallows to roast. The marshmallow probably won't fill him up enough and he'll still be hungry. So, he'll ask you to get him some hot dogs too.
After you roast the hot dogs he'll probably be ready to go back out onto the land....the end


Babysitting..a different way

This past week we have had a little guest in our home. She is a Russian Blue kitty and belongs to Jason and Heather Wilbanks. Her name is Winter. Isn't that a pretty name for her. She has made herself at home here and strangely enough has won over our house cat of 8 years, Reebok. At first they hissed alot and Reebok didn't like her much, but after a day or so, they have become kitty friends.
Now, I can't say as much for FISH. Evidently, Winter hasn't ever seen one and she was very curious and almost put her little paw into the water. You can see Fish swimming furiously near the bottom of his bowl. I just had to get a pic of it.
Incedently, I have had 2 very, very sick little children for the past several days. High fevers, coughing and breathing trouble. I think they are starting to recover. Me? I'm a bit tired from getting up all hours of the night to give meds and check their fevers. You all know how that goes. God gives us strength and the stamina to go on though, doesn't He!
I am so blessed and thank Him for what He's doing in our life. Anyway, just a bit of what's going on around our home. I gotta go see how they are doing now. Have a great day.


Newest little one

Ok, I am realizing that this living out in the country is something else. I just love it! There are so many little birds and big birds, for that matter and cows and other animals. Everywhere. The kids love it and we are always watching now to see if another cow will get out. Anyway, we were out and about this past Saturday and decided to take the scenic route back home. It was so beautiful and mountainous. There weren't very many homes nearby and it was land on all sides. Just gorgeous. As we were coming around the curve I said out loud, "What is that little thing on the side of the road??" The kids said, "Eeeww! What is it?" Camille asks, "Mom, why don't you pull over and see what it is." I said, "Ok. I'll get out and see if it comes to me." So I got out and clapped my hands on my legs and it just came running right over to me. Practically jumped up into my arms...I know, I know. I AM A GLUTON FOR PUNISHMENT. Here she is. At first, we weren't real sure what kind of dog she was, but she is so sweet and cute. We brought her home, gave her a bath and got her a little blankie. She curled right up and went to sleep. We were undecided about her name. We thought of 'Sandi', 'Chikeeta-Bonita', 'Bunny', 'Sugar' and 'Rosanna-Maria-Banana' and none of them seemed to fit. We even waited a couple of days to name her and called the local radio station about a missing little white dog. I gave our number and the info and no one called. So we decided to keep her and now we call her "Dusti". She and Laci are getting aquainted pretty well and they both have their own little crates. She and Laci are exactly the same color and they both have little tan patches mixed in with their fur. Oh, did I mention, she is only about 4 1/2 - 5 pounds and when we looked up her size, shape and other info we put in, she came up as a 'long-haired chiahuahua. I couldn't believe it. It said they will only get about 5-6 pounds. She loves the kids and I looked up tons of info about how to train them. There's some good stuff on training.Anyway, I just thought I'd share our latest bit of news with you and post a little something different. Hope you enjoyed it! Have a great day!


it's a snow day

Early this morning I woke up and heard a loud howling outside. I listened closely and realized it was a fierce wind. As I listened I could hear the tree branches swishing and snapping with the blustery winds. I was eager to see outside, so I slipped over to the window and peeked into the newly dawning morning. You could not see the sun rising, but the clock told me it was time for the sun to be waking us up. I walked into the kitchen and looked out the window. This was the scene before me. It was so beautiful to see. By this time my husband was standing there with me and we woke the children. We had the beginning of a snow storm. It's so cold. It's blustery and windy. It was coming at a slant, but was soft and fluffy! We were tucked safely inside our new home, warm, snug and hungry! It was short lived and after about 5 hours of winds, snowflakes and snow clouds, it has begun to die down. Here are the two little ones out in the front yard. Now, everyone wants to know... "When is Mom going to fix breakfast?" I ask, "Ok, so who's going to help me?" Everyone says, "I am!" "Well, let's get started." I say. More coming...have a great day...Kimi
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