It's another adventure!
Ok, yes! We are embarking on another fun adventure. What would life be like with out something to work toward. Where would we be, if we didn't have a VISION? Ok, I know that is something spiritual, but you have to admit, it is truth. Now, we are getting ready to move. We have been working out at our new place and preparing it for our family to move into. It is a lovely brick home that needs some TLC. I just love doing this sort of thing...but I will have to admit, it has been harder this time. Selling my home has been an adjustment, but with the economy like it is and the Lord blessing my husband with a job in the restaurant industry, we are choosing the path God has set out for us. You know, it is A choice, after all. We do have the choice to choose which path we take. God has given us a free will and has allowed us to make choices and then, of course, live with the blessings or the consequences of the choices we make. Here is part of what we've been doing in regards to moving forward into what and where God is leading. I used to think that not everything is spiritual. I used to think that. Not any more. My view has been in the mode of change for a long, long time now. I'm glad it is. Something as simple as painting a house, among other things, (ha-ha) can be used to bring God glory, and bring people together.(once again) I'm so thankful for what God is doing in a very special family's life! Bob, Christy and all your kids...we just love you guys! You have been a wonderful blessing to us and we are so glad that we are all getting to know each other and become friends. Getting together with you all and getting to know your children has been wonderful! Each of them are very unique and special, with their own talents and gifts to bring and share. I'm so excited to see what all God has laid out for your family. It's only the beginning and it's wonderful how God does things...we think you all are great! Below are some photos of the effort and the beginning of the 'transformation' that is taking place out in our little part of the country. We started with the girls room. It's pink and brown and we are going to use polkas and geometrics. Wheewwww! What next?
Missy painting their door! It will be pink on the inside and rice paper on the side.
Painting their wall! A lovely pink and chocolate brown. Looks real nice!
Michael is shopvac'n the remnants of wall repair.
working on the pink walls.
Austin is getting the door way.
Austin and Jesse gett'n R done! Yes, the boys did help in a pink room. What troopers!
Christy working on the pink room. See the brown. It really looks nice. Thanks Christy!
Ashley is repairing the walls. Jeff and Grant ended up taking down the chair rail and then Ashley came in and repaired the aftermath. She did a super-dee-dooper job! Guys, you have a rival in workmanship here!
Missy is getting every last bit. Great job Micaylah!
Bob and Grant have taken out some cabinets in one of the rooms so we could paint and make room for the boys. Wow! What a nice size room. Too bad we had to lose these cabinets, but with 2 boys in there, it will make for more room. We are choosing to follow after God things and create an Apostolic culture for our heritage. This is where we are living. In that Apostolic culture. It's great! Not only are we out in the country, but we are bringing our lifestyle with us out there! Country never seemed so good! More coming soon and updates on the redecorating of our new home. Much love! Kimi
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