I am so thankful to the Lord for another year. What a treasure of friends He has given to me. What a blessed church family He has placed me in. How honored I am to be part of the family I am part of.In good times and in trying times He has always been there for me and for my family. He has provided everything I have ever needed and has equipped me to succeed. The world may look at success by how much you have in your bank account, how far you can climb up the corporate ladder or what your retirement can bring you, but I count my success in different ways.
My phone didn't stop ringing with wishes of a happy birthday, my husband and children woke up that morning with glad faces of 'what are we going to do today, it's your birthday!' and the day was bright with a fresh new feeling of being a new year. That's what I like about being born at the first of the year. Everything's new. And I count it all joy!
We did have a great day.

Since my husband was working, we went to Bible Quiz practice at 8am. After that came back to town and went to a neat little restaurant called 'L Rancho'. Which by the way, if you haven't ever been there...you must go and get breakfast!! It was wonderful and what a breakfast did they serve. It was on a huge platter and served so quickly and piping hot! Yummie! I think I may find another reason to go out for breakfast soon. Anyway, the kids treated me and we had such a nice morning. When we were done we went out to our new house and they had a surprise for me. A birthday cake. It was delicious! Thank you Ashley...you're a great baker!

Later, my husband came and picked me up from the house and while Camille kept the children, Grant and I went home to get ready to go out to dinner. We haven't been out to dinner, well, since the last time we went for the Wendy's dinner. Wow!! two times in one month--I really am special. Hee Hee! We did have a nice time and I enjoyed having some time alone with just my husband. No one else was there! Just us.
I'm so thankful to the Lord of my life for allowing me another year to learn and grow and give and share and meet new people and see new things and do new things and all that HE has for me. I hope you are having as much fun in your new year as we are in ours. Trials WILL come and we WILL over come them...one at a time, because "...with God nothing shall be impossible." I really have so much more I want to share, but time does not permit. More soon...much love! Kimi