Almost Finished with School!
We have been working so hard on the restaurant that you may think we haven't had much time to get our schooling done. Well, since it is the end of our year we have been working harder than ever to finish up.
Every morning the children get up a little earlier than usual and start right to their studies. They are finished with all their academics by 10am. They have had some extra motivation...the slip-n-slide and their pool along with the gorgeous sunny days we have had lately. They don't want to miss a chance to enjoy the time to play outside. What a great motivator that is!
This year we have had so much fun learning about the solar system. We have used a fantastic curriculum called Apologia. You can see where we hung the planets from the ceiling in our classroom.
There is alot of interacting and notebooking with drawings and experiments to do. Their notebooks can be used for references later on in school and you'd be amazed at what they've learned (and remembered!)
We learned why God made the solar system and why he placed humans only on earth. We are going to finish up some things over the summer. Just because it's fun to do.

We have been doing a state study too. We have studied many states and learned about the 1st thirteen colonies. I've combined the state study with American History to make learning about history easier later on. Hopefully, it will give them a great foundation.
Some of the states we've studied are TX, OK, NM, VA, DE, NJ, ME, FL, SC, NY.
During our study the children learn each states' abbreviation, in what year it was admitted, what the state is known for-industry-it's contribution to the US-etc, its' motto & nickname, as well as drawing the state flag, flower, tree, animal, and the state itself.
They are also required to give a brief speech telling about the state and what they've learne
We also completed English, Math, Reading, Bible, and a few other subjects that were of interest to us this year.
I am doing the evaluations of the children now and hope to have those finished by the end of the week.
Here are some photos of their drawings. I know they're my kids, but I think you might appreciate their work too. I think they've done a great job and worked very hard this year! I am so proud of them.

Hey Sis. Kimi,
It looks like you guys are having a lot of fun learning! You are such a good teacher! I wish I had half of your talent! :) Well, I guess we can't all be the best teachers! Haha! Just messing around, I know we all have our talents...actually the other night Bro. Wilbanks said he believes we have at least 2 (I can't remember if they were talents or gifts, though)!
On another subject, I meant to tell you that you can have a copy of my pictures if you want them. I'll just have to remember to burn a disc. That would probably be the easiest.
Hi Sis Kristy!
When I look at you and see all that God has done through you, I am amazed! You are such a wonderful mom and have poured yourself into your's simply beautiful!
I'm thankful we're friends and you have inspired me in so many ways!
Sorry for taking so long to respond back after you commented...I think Camille must have posted the comment and I didn't know it. I haven't been able to get on the pc in days. :)
Love you! Kimi
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