This week has just flown by! It's been a whirl-wind of people, conversations and food. We have had a blast as we plan, prepare and serve to our customers!
Here are the girls as they helped us in some of the tasks we do.
Dish washing hasn't been a favorite task with any of us, so we have been taking turns at it.
Sometimes we even take turns at other things like, baking the desserts, preparing the salad bar and portioning the meats.
Thanks girls for a job well done! You have been so much help to us and I just know that God will bless you abundantly for your sacrifice of giving. You can not ever 'OUT-GIVE' God. We love you!
Our first week of business has been great! We started out on Monday opening the doors at 10:30 am and at 10:40 am the phone began to ring. Earlier that morning we faxed out some menus to the local businesses. They didn't waste any time making their calls to place orders. Yippee!! Bring it on!! The first day was a success! We took so many call-in orders I can't remember them all and we didn't even look at the big clock that's up on the wall until late that afternoon. The whole day went by so fast. It was great. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were even better and we spent the days very busy completing orders, talking with the people, making connections and serving meals to our customers. It's been absolutely amazing!! I've made copies of some very old photos to use for decorations. Like I shared before, I went to the Historical Society and Mrs. Ila Ruth Cooley has helped me so much. She gave me so much information and insight to Arab's past. I've enjoyed spending time with her and getting to know more about my town. I love that! On Tuesday, a couple came in and as we began to talk, the lady says, "That's my grandfather! Right there in that photo of the old mercantile!" She was excited about that and had to tell me all about it. I want everyone who comes in this place to feel some sort of 'connection'. Pretty soon they'll want to know more about us and what makes us different. I know they're coming. If we build it, they will come!! Remember that saying? I know it's happening...this is just the beginning! BRING IT ON!!!
Here is our starting crew. Michelle, Rhonda, Savannah, Jade, Jessica, Camille, Garrett, Micaylah, and Austin. Not pictured:Kendra Garrett bussed the tables and made sure they were sanitized properly for the next customers. Micaylah vacuumed around each table and straightened the chairs, while Austin held the door open and helped bring plates to customers when their order was ready. They all earned tips and got to go to the $Tree this week.
Rhonda, Savannah, Kendra & Michelle worked with Grant in the kitchen to prepare the various sandwiches and baskets of food. Every sandwich comes with a side and little something extra.
There was much preparation to do in the kitchen before opening time. Potato salad, pasta salad, chicken salad and slicing of meats must be done before opening. We take time to prepare the sliced meats so portions are all the same and correct in the midst of the hullaballoo of lunch time hours. This assures us (& our customers) that we are giving out proper portions.
Camille, Jordan, Jessica and I took food out to the seated customers and refilled drinks while we talked with them and got their opinion of our new place. We didn't have one negative comment. Not even one. Everyone was so glad to have a nice little place where they could come in and sit a while, listen to good music, read while they ate and chat with someone who cared. They have had nothing but wonderful things to say about the Cornerstone Deli! I'm so glad. I actually don't have anything but good to say about our customers. We've already had repeat customers this week too! That's what we want. We even had the local radio personality stop in and eat with us. He told his friend and they came in and she told her friend and this afternoon (Sat) the retired Fire Chief and his wife, who is running for mayor and sits on the city council, came in and we enjoyed a nice time of reminiscing. They ended up knowing Grant from a long time ago. Like I said before, everyone knows Grant from some way or another from some time ago. (remember the carpet deal???) He's just that kind of person and has a very special way about him. Right before closing today, another nice lady came by to get dinner for her husband. She wants to have her Red Hat Society Club meet at our restaurant! How fun does that sound?? I'm sure that will prove to be a hoot! They've asked to schedule it for the first Friday in August. Sounds great with us. They'll have about 16-24 in their party. Ok, I'm not sure where this may be going, but like we shared before, we'll go where God wants to take us. We've already come this far. Catering? of 24? God has his own plan and I know we will be going there. Thank you for your prayers and support. Let's go!! Living in His Blessed Graces...Grant and Kimi
Today has been a long day. It's mid afternoon and it seems like it is so late already. There has been so much running around and last minute details to attend to. Boy! So much goes into a new business. It's really neat, and we don't want to miss something. We had bread delivered today, menus finalized, decor decisions to make and our beautiful counters brought in and installed!! Yippee!!!
We have to brag on someone for a minute...and we know that he wouldn't want us to do it, but he'll just have to get over that :).
We are too thankful for what he and his wife have done for us not to let you all know about this...
Bro Bo Alexander and his wife Sis Amy have been such a wonderful blessing to our family. Bro Bo has made these countertops himself and has done THEE most beautiful job. I know I said something about them before, but it deserves repeating. Especially now with the counters installed. They look just gorgeous!! I'm so excited and can't wait to fill up the cabinets and place desserts on the right side counter. (about where he's standing now with Garrett)
When I told Sis Amy how wonderful they looked and how amazed I was, she commented that he[Bro Bo] is like a whiz when he makes cabinets and I believe it.
The workmanship is beautiful.
But that's not the most amazing part of this giving that they have shown. In the midst of all that they have done to help us, they have suffered a tremendous loss themselves. Last week, they came home to their home on fire. They have lost everything and are now living in a tiny, rental home. Through this all they have not wavered or faltered in their walk with Jesus or in their giving ways toward others. That's what is so amazing. They have exemplified Jesus Christ in every way. It doesn't seem like 'Thank You' is sufficient to say to them. So we will say...THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! YOU HAVE TOUCHED OUR LIVES IN A VERY SPECIAL WAY. WE LOVE YOU BOTH!!
Stephen put up a brace for the kitchen shutter doors to hang on. Savannah and Camille found them at a salvage yard and they dressed them up a bit. They look nice! I'll post photos of them when they're up and finished. He also helped his Dad last week take care of some of the electric stuff on the roof. I wish I would have got a pic. :(
Kendra has actually been helping out on a regular basis. She has been with us from the 'git-go'. I'm so proud of her diligence and determination. She has been very willing to do anything we have needed her to do. She has painted, stapled upholstery, pressure washed wall and concrete, sawed, hammered, drilled, stapled, scrubbed, counted and cleaned just about as much as a 16 yr old could do. And has had a cheerful spirit to boot! I just love her!! Thank you Kendra! You are a special young lady. Don't forget that.
Kendra and Stephen are painting the trim on a last minute detail. We're almost done! Yea!!
Grant and Savannah have been so determined too. Making out the menu and all the ingredient list has taken days...even weeks.
I think it's almost finished and I'm typing up the final menu tonight. We're just using the ones we make up for now and then we can have the menus professionally printed up later. We've got to get the doors open for business. How exciting is that?!!! DOESN'T MY WONDERFUL HUSBAND LOOK HAPPY! More shortly.
We have had so much going on and so much's all been great. I'm so excited about what all GOD has done! Where do I start? Mmmm...let me see.
This is the beginning of my tree. A few days ago we went into the woods and cut down some pretty sticks. Well, they were actually large limbs from huge trees behind our house. Sis. Bridget, being the wonderful friend that she is to me, came to help me build my tree. I'm not sure she knew what she was getting herself into. Hee-hee-hee!! (And I didn't know quite how big my tree would turn out.) After we cut these branches, got a bucket, the special foam, and another nice container to put the whole thing in, we put the branches in the bucket. I got the spray expands at least twice its original size and then hardens. Well, Savannah took over my holding position and Sis Bridget stood there with her...for 45 minutes. We waited and waited and waited for that stuff to harden. Small only gets 'TACKY' after that long. Not hardened completely. Ha! We ended up leaning it against the wall for the rest of the day and night and then went on to something else.
This is one of my favorite pictures...Doesn't the flag look great? The kids are being very patriotic.
Isn't this so sweet? He was so proud to get to use a real power tool. He worked and worked to sand this piece of equipment just right, for his Daddy. I love it! The pic doesn't show it, but it is shaking him terribly and he is holding on tight. It's so cute. He's really a very hard worker and likes to help.
Here's the progress of the tree. By the next morning the foam had hardened completely and also overflowed onto the carpet about 2 gallons worth. Oh my!!! Geez, what a mess that was. We cleaned up the sticky stuff and got it up off the floor. I think the kids played football with one of the globs!! Ha ha! After I drilled about 45-50 holes in the branches, my arm was sore. Camille decided to finish the drilling. Thank goodness. Thanks Camille. She had it done in no time at all. Then we started to glue the ficus limbs into the holes.
We needed to make one last sweep through the kitchen.
Well, I think it's the last sweep. We will probably go over it all right before we open this week. Savannah, Camille and Garrett were taking care of that job. Every cooler, the deep freeze, huge stove and oven, all the stainless steel shelves/racks, and the sandwich prep station was disinfected and sanitized. We are using Cintas for all our supplies like that. They have installed tp, hand towels, disinfectants and sanitizers along with a few other things I can't remember. My husband's got it under control. He's doing a great job!! Anyway, the kids did all that stuff. It smelled better than before, when I thought it smelled better than that...that sounded funny.
Isn't this a lovely clock!! This is kindof the look of the deli. Kindof nostalgic. Historical. Old reminisce-ish. If that makes sense. Not the usual, maybe out of the ordinary-ish. Warm and welcoming.
I hope that is the feel of it anyway. When you come by, you can let me know if we were successful at attempting. I give God the glory for this whole venture. He is the reason we are even able to accomplish anything...isn't he!! He's a great and wonderful God! We are not done with the decor of the place as of yet. this is the only real decoration we have up on the walls...ha!! Like I said in an earlier post, "Decor is not high on the priority list." I am working on getting wall decor up and it is taking a while. I have met with the Arab Historical Society and got many pics to be copied and I am meeting again in the morning with the Hist. Soc. president and she has given me permission to copy anything I would like to. She said I could take any of their photos at the museum and have them copied. They have been so helpful. Actually, I have enjoyed meeting with these ladies. I know God has given me such favor with them.
Ok, my husband wanted to publish this picture of my tree. We ended up drilling about 125 holes in those branches!! After the holes were drilled though, it only took about 1 1/2 hours to finish.
I was tired and wanted to take a nap. Not a picture moment for me, but Grant wanted to take it anyway.
I have a few more pics from the last few days and will post them soon. I'm tired for now.
We have been working so hard on the restaurant that you may think we haven't had much time to get our schooling done. Well, since it is the end of our year we have been working harder than ever to finish up.
Every morning the children get up a little earlier than usual and start right to their studies. They are finished with all their academics by 10am. They have had some extra motivation...the slip-n-slide and their pool along with the gorgeous sunny days we have had lately. They don't want to miss a chance to enjoy the time to play outside. What a great motivator that is!
This year we have had so much fun learning about the solar system. We have used a fantastic curriculum called Apologia. You can see where we hung the planets from the ceiling in our classroom.
There is alot of interacting and notebooking with drawings and experiments to do. Their notebooks can be used for references later on in school and you'd be amazed at what they've learned (and remembered!)
We learned why God made the solar system and why he placed humans only on earth. We are going to finish up some things over the summer. Just because it's fun to do.

We have been doing a state study too. We have studied many states and learned about the 1st thirteen colonies. I've combined the state study with American History to make learning about history easier later on. Hopefully, it will give them a great foundation.
Some of the states we've studied are TX, OK, NM, VA, DE, NJ, ME, FL, SC, NY.
During our study the children learn each states' abbreviation, in what year it was admitted, what the state is known for-industry-it's contribution to the US-etc, its' motto & nickname, as well as drawing the state flag, flower, tree, animal, and the state itself.
They are also required to give a brief speech telling about the state and what they've learne
We also completed English, Math, Reading, Bible, and a few other subjects that were of interest to us this year.
I am doing the evaluations of the children now and hope to have those finished by the end of the week.
Here are some photos of their drawings. I know they're my kids, but I think you might appreciate their work too. I think they've done a great job and worked very hard this year! I am so proud of them.