Last week Austin's front teeth were hurting. As we looked in his little mouth we could see his two front bottom permanent teeth had already come through. They were behind the baby ones. He immediately decided to wiggle them and within a few moments he had pulled BOTH of his teeth. This was his first time to loose a tooth. He was so funny. He wanted to get those things out so his new big-boy teeth could show. Now, not only did he loose one tooth, but two teeth at the same time!! WOW!! We were all so excited that we had to take this pic of him to show everyone how proud of him we are. He was so brave! Now his big boy teeth will come in nicely.
Yeah Austin! You look so cute! Caleb says hello! We love you and miss you!!
Hi Caleb! And everybody. Is it getting warm there?? WE are getting ready to have a fun time outside today. It's already sunny and I have to go feed my dogs. We play with them before they get fed and then they rest after they eat. Lacy always chases me and I throw the ball to her. Autumn is funny. She likes to chase Lacy and growl at her.
Love you too!
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