
December Photo Project 2010 Day 25 [UPDATE]


Such a wonderful time to be with family this Christmas!
Many Blessings to you all on this very special day!


December Photo Project 2010 Day 21

So, here's another snow picture from our early winter. Don't you just love my vintage coat?  It was my Grandma's and she gave it to me several years ago.  It's older than I am!!
It  has the cutest double buttons down the front w/really neat, huge pockets and it's so long. It keeps me nice and warm! I love it! 

We were just about to leave on this cold morning...it was 33 degrees 

December Photo Project 2010 Day 20

The best times of my life have been spent there!
Merry Christmas 


December Photo Project 2010 Day 19

Silly Michelle!! (In the background) I loved the pic anyway so had to post it...I just found it on my camera.  Ha Ha!
Me and my baby-girl!! She's a sweetie!

December Photo Project 2010 Day 18

 We are so excited this year because we have been reacquainted with our neighbors whom we lived next door to for 7 years!  In November of 2009, Christy and I decided that we didn't like living so far apart any more and decided to start getting our families together again.  We would get together and cook breakfast for our families, have bbq's, dinners and then that turned into Bible study time and then they started coming to church with us. When when we moved into our little place here in the woods, they would come over and help and help and help!!  This year mark's one full year that they have been coming to church!  It's no longer Grant and Kimi's church! It's now "Our church", says Bob and Christy and their kids.  Below is a photo taken in August of 2010, a day they chose to renew their marriage vows!  What a blessing for us to witness and how marvelous is OUR God!!  
 Thank you Lord for bringing the whole Sattler Family into our lives and to the TRUTH!


December Photo Project 2010 Day 17

 This was just too precious to pass up.  Reebok (black cat) and Dusti (white dog) are sleeping on the arm of our love seat.  They are two peas in a pod.  Reebok is 6 lbs larger than Dusti, who weighs in at only 4 lbs. They make us laugh every day by chasing each other and running around the house! 
Just fun stuff! 
 Yea, we like animals!  
Merry Christmas~


December Photo Project 2010 Day 16

We have had a bit of a snow this week.  Since we had to get out, we had to drive on this snow and ice covered road...for about 6 miles.  This was the second time I've ever driven in snow or on ice.  I really don't want to do it again. Where's the 90 degree weather?


December Photo Project 2010 Day 15

This morning I want to post about my very best friend, my husband. 
He is a true man of God who leads our family in prayer, bible study, family time, fun time...he works to give us the very best of himself and exemplifies the patience of Jesus every day.  All of our six children are the apple of his eye and when he snaps his finger, he has their attention! His strength has really shown these last few months as we have had various trials and such. 
Four years ago my husband lost his job of almost 15 years with a corporate company.  Since then, he has not obtained a job making the same income or benefits he had before.  This has been very hard for him because he feels like he hasn't been able to provide all the necessary things his family may need.  (that isn't true, but anyway)  Actually, this entire situation has brought our family closer to each other and most importantly, closer to God.  Romans 8:28 says, "and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are the called according to his purpose."
Sometimes in the middle of a hard situation it IS difficult to see how in the world this is 'working for ANY good'. BUT, we must remember: we are not of this world, "We are in it, but not of it." We have our heavenly reward to look forward to and what is very important to remember is this: 
Loosing your focus can cause such delays in where God is wanting to take you. Last night our Pastor preached a message filled with hope, and tenderness and love.  It was this:
Storms in life will come-they are these:
  1. Storm of the elements-Speak to that storm-Mk 4:35-39
  2. Storm of the demonic-Stand!-Eph 6:13, Mk5:1
  3. Storm of humanity-Don't get sidetracked!-Mk 5:14-17
This is what you do:
Tell it to leave,
Keep your focus
Phil 3:13+14, "Brethren, I count myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do,forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before;  I press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" Thank you Pastor for encouraging us last night! We will ponder and study these words.

So, in the midst of the trial you may be going through, whether it be big or small, remember that God is in control and even though you may not be able to see it, there is light at the end of that tunnel you are going through.  Your reward is great in heaven!!


dEcEmBeR PhOtO PrOjEcT [2010]

  During the month of December I really enjoy taking time to make lots of tried and true treats, as well as some new ones.  Every weekend my family likes to eat Nachos and Homemade Salsa, fresh cut carrots, cheese and crackers and one of the little treats we have made.  I have a pretty little cart that I sit the food on, and we all just come by and snack off and on, all weekend. 
 Fresh cut carrots and homemade dip, colby jack cheese w/wheat thins and chocolatey haystax! Yummie!!

Camille made this delicious new treat with cornflakes, peanut butter and cream cheese, blended with chocolate. It was gone in no time!


December Photo Project 2010 Day 9

 Since I couldn't decide which picture to use for this post, I chose something that is very much a part of my life...K-I-D-S!!  
Every single day...I have kids around me. I couldn't imagine life without their involvement!  What a blessing. 
Enjoy the photos! 


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