Here are just a few pics of our new place out in the country. And the move didn't come too soon, with all the changes our little town is experiencing...moving out was a very welcome change for our family.
My back patio. (I think I want to set up my paints and easle out there) Directly in the center, you can see some of Alabama's famous chicken houses, some horses, cows and just plain 'ole land. The barn is to the left, 'down a ways' on past the patio. :)
Here you can see the patio to the right. There's nothing much but pasture, cows and a few neighbors.
I put out my favorite Adirondack chairs so I can sit out with the kids and watch them play.
The other day, we went out and the kids were playing on that fort/tree stand thing (below) and Austin came running around the corner saying, "Mommy! Mommy! Look, there's a cow right in our yard!" I surely thought he must be teasing, but as I got up to check, sure enough, there was a huge black cow in our yard. The funny thing was, she was alot closer than this. By the time I got my camera and took this pic, she had walked away from the little stand they were playing on. You can imagine how we all stood gazing at this cow...just eating the grass. She actually came back for the next 5 days in a row. Right into the front yard.
Finally, I guess the farmer started to miss her and came for her. That was a sight!! We named her Betsie. There are about 200 head of those Betsies across in the other pasture. I guess she just liked our grass. Hee-Hee!
Since the temperatures were getting warmer, my husband had a day off and we were all feeling better we decided to spend the afternoon out of doors.
You can see we actually made it into the 70's.
Although school has not been high on the priority list here lately, we haven't been in want for keeping busy. There are so many new things to do. Since we have more land to take care of we must start with what is around the house first.
Here we are getting limbs put into a pile to burn and
trimming some trees so they'll grow nicely in the spring.

Here is the edge of the patio and the little barn. We are planning to clean up around it.
I just love having a clothes line!! I really like to hang the laundry out on breezy days.
I know that sounds funny, but I do. Everything is so fresh smelling.
Way out behind the barn, we have huge burn pile. Gee-wiz! I remember my Dad keeping a burn pile, but I don't remember it being so much work. The kids don't seem to mind and always ask if they can take something down to the burn pile. I sure do hope they think it's this much fun when they've been doing it a while!!
I think we're getting rid of it soon though. It's terribly ugly and the horses will be coming soon.