
Early Winter?

It seems that winter has come a bit early for us here in Sweet Home Alabama. These last few days have brought some cold winds and even colder temps.
Although we have had frost several mornings already, this morning we woke up and there was frost all over the ground...it was everywhere! It was the prettiest morning yet. Sunshine everywhere, glittering mist, brisk air into your lungs!! Just wonderful! "Frost on the pun-kin!", says Grant's Granny. Meaning that it's a 'frosty white' all across the fields, the hills and mountains and also time to bring in the pets, store up the lawn furniture and get out the favorite recipes for baking! Ooooo, we love it. There's just something special about baking when it's brisk and beautiful.
We have a few Holly Berry Trees in our front yard that are producing so many berries this year. I'm told that is a sign of a hard winter ahead. The berries will be good food for the birds passing by later this month. We've already had so many flocks flying by, we knew winter was on its way soon.
It registered 30 degrees on our digital thermometer early this morning.
I woke the kids, bundled them up and out we went. They were picking up tiny pieces of grass with little crystals all over them. It really was beautiful.
I don't think these pics do the frost justice. If you look far out in the middle of the picture, though, you can see the deeper frost that is in the shade of the trees. It was precious to see my sweet children having fun early this morning. They are hoping for some snow pretty soon.
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